BBAW Day 3, Book Recommendations AKA Blame A Blogger

Today’s prompt for #BBAW: What have you read and loved because of a fellow blogger?


I can feel myself floundering at this question because what have I NOT read that does not in some shape or form originate from one blogger or the other?! Almost ALL the books I read I’ve found through blogs and bloggers! There might be a few exceptions—but they are very few!

So which are the ones that I have loved? TOO MANY TO COUNT! I shall however try!

My love for Terry Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching series is by now well-documented. I’d been aware of Pratchett and his Discworld for a long time but perversely decided that someone so hyped-up couldn’t really live up to all that hype. Enter Ana’s thoughtful, heartfelt review, and suddenly I knew that I HAD to give this a try! And I did! And fell in love with it!

Speaking of Ana, she’s the one who convinced me to try Intisar Khanani’s Thorn, another book that I promptly fell in love with!

Then there’s LizMC2 and the books she talks about—many of them tailor-made for me! It was because of her recommendation that I tried out Merrie Haskell’s The Princess Curse. She’s also the one who made me read Daisy Hay’s Mr. and Mrs. Disraeli: A Strange Romance, a book that I throughly enjoyed!

Jenny of Reading the End was the first to talk about Zen Cho’s Sorcerer to the Crown which was just so much fun! She’s the one who persuaded me to give Diana Wynne Jones and Christopher Chant a chance. THANK YOU Jenny!

LH Johnson of Did You Ever Stop to Think and Forget to Start Again alerted me to what I know is going to be one of my favorite books of this year: Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer. I love that I found her blog while searching for something on Elinor M. Brent-Dyer’s Chalet school series. Her twitter handle, which professes her love for this series loud and clear, was the only prompting I needed to start following her immediately!

Kerry Clare of Pickle Me This has led me to an interest I never thought I would have—children’s picture books! I’m still figuring out my way through them but Oh! MY! I love knowing that there’s a whole world out there composed of pictures and illustrations and sketches and colors! She’s also responsible for making me putting Carol Shields on hold, ordering Light Years: Memoir of a Modern Lighthouse Keeper, (I’m quite cranky at my library for having a selection that seems to consist mainly of American authors), and for one of the most gorgeous books that I have ever read Eula Biss’s, On Immunity: An Inoculation.

Then there’s Shawna Lemay of Calm Things whose blog I’ve started following only recently but who’s already made me read my first Virgina Woolf, A Writer’s Diary.

I’m in awe of the talent and the passion that people have for books and the written word. I feel so blessed to be able to partake of this love fest in whatever way I can!

6 thoughts on “BBAW Day 3, Book Recommendations AKA Blame A Blogger

  1. I think I am in the same boat! So many books I read are usually because I read about someone else’s experience with that book, and it makes me curious to see how I’d feel about it. I think it has ended up making me much more adventurous in terms of genres and subjects too!

    btw: I loved Thorn – it was such a good book.

    also: what did you think about Virginia Woolf? She’s one of those authors I have books of, but have never really read…simply because I get so easily sidetracked and they always find their way to the bottom of the pile…


    • Definitely agree with the explosion in genres and subjects directly as a result of all these passionate bloggers!

      And yay for Thorn!

      Virginia Woolf: this is a collection of her journal entries, not a novel. I’m still in the middle of reading it and my impressions haven’t firmed up yet. I admit to feeling a little bewildered at times but I find that I’m also really enjoying myself. The people she describes–a lot of them writers themselves–I doubt I’d ever be interested in reading their works, but I find myself really interested in how SHE describes them. Oh, also, she’s the queen of snark! I doubt anybody can dish it out like she does! And of course, the lady can turn a phrase–there are bits and pieces of prose that leave me utterly speechless.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Since BBAW started, I have been reading so much about ‘Sorcerer to the Crown’. I am definitely going to read it soon. 🙂 And, I love DWJ too. What a fantastic writer she was!

    Have you changed your blog’s look? It’s very nice. 🙂


That’s what I’m thinking. I’d love to know *your* thoughts!